To build capacity and capability to effectively Manage Projects.
Promote a greater understanding of the key components of Project Management
Build and transfer ability, skills and techniques (competence) to manage projects
Enhance capacity to successfully manage projects
A thorough and consistent understanding of the key components of project management.
Ability, skills and techniques (competence) to manage projects, with particular emphasis on organizing, planning and controlling
Projects with realistic objectives being delivered on time and to the budget
Knowledge gained
Skills developed
Setting realistic objectives
Scoping a project
Risk Management
Establishing the Project Organisation
Project Planning Techniques
Monitoring and Controlling
Project Appraisal
Quality Control
Change Control
Principles and Values Promoted
Individual and syndicate exercises during the course
Peer review and feedback
Action planning by participants
Follow up visits on request
A demonstrated ability to:
Footnote: There is also a two day Project Director’s course which covers similar ground but from a different perspective. The Project Manager’s course is designed for those producing the plans and managing the projects in a day-to-day context. The Project Director’s course is designed for those with overall responsibility / ownership of the project and resources being deployed. The directors are sometimes referred to as Project Board members or Project Sponsors.
Five days
Introduction to Projects and Project Management
Plenary Exercise – What is a project?
Difference between projects and ongoing work
Buzz group exercise – Why do projects fail? (Cause not effect)
Project Lifecycle
Projects versus Programmes
When/where to use projects
Essential components of Project Management
PRINCE & other Methodologies
Getting started
- Introduction to Case Study and Scoping Exercise
- Scoping exercise: Read brief and scope the “<NAME>” project
- Feedback
- The PID (Project Initiation Document)
- Identifying and Managing Risk
- Identification, Probability, Impact, Countermeasures, Contingencies and responsibility
Case Study exercise: Compile Risk Log of Project
Project Organisation and Staffing
Getting the right project management structure
Directing, Managing, Supporting and Assuring
Team Working
Stakeholders / Consultation – How / Who
Case Study exercise: Organisation
Planning Principles
Why plan
Levels and types of plan
Planning - Product Based Planning
Case Study Exercise: Product Description (To be QR_ed – (Quality Reviewed) by lecturers)
Planning - Critical Path Analysis (CPA)
Brief input on dependency networks
Case Study – Draw dependency for “<NAME>” Project
Critical Path Analysis (CPA) and Estimating
Continued – Including desk exercises
Case Study exercise: Estimating and CPA
Brief Demo of MS Project (depending on the time availability and the audience interest)
Case Study Exercise: Technical Plan
Management Controls – as a break during Case Study Exercises
Complete Case Study Exercises
Project Appraisal: The full Business Case
Worked Example of Business Case.
Change Control
Quality Management
Quality Review Technique
Quality Review Exercises – Prepare for review meetings
Procurement and sub-contractors relationships
QRs 1 and 2 – in parallel
QRs 3 and 4 – in parallel
Plenary feedback
Action Planning